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Zolo-du's profile

Zolo-du's photo

Real name: Przemek


Location: Poland


Local time: 0 11:53:03


Age: 51


Birth: 1973/7/24


Clan: PoD








Twitter/Facebook account:


Occupation: Specialist paper machinery


Interests: Sports (table tennis),computers,internet,history XX and old


Playtime: with different time


Average time to wait his game confirmation: 0 day(s), 0:0:0


Last activity: Zolo-duleague 2 - 0 CzaRoleague  replay(2) on 2025-Jan-6 13:57:26 (17 days ago)

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Number of games played in overall season: 2 (0.19%),
Number of games played in this season: 2 (4.54%)
Number of wins in this season: 0, number of loses: 2
Number of wins in overall season: 0, number of loses: 2
Maximum number of games he ever had in overall rankings: 419
Average round time: 00:00
Average turn time: 0 sec
% of caves played: N/A%
% of islands played: N/A%
% of cave rounds won: N/A%
% of island rounds won: N/A%
% of first turn in islands: N/A%
% of first turn in caves: N/A%
% of first turn in islands won: N/A%
% of first turn in caves won: N/A%

Overall accuracy in guess the damage challeges: -not participated in any-

Games per hours in overall ranking (current season is highlighted with yellow color):

games grid

Win/lose streak graphicon:

Zolo-du's streak graphicon


41st Intermediate Tournament 2011-03-27
BMC Season 8






Improved a lot since I know him. Keep on getting better every time :). You should improve the creativity, your tactic is fine like this.
- Kayzadminright

In the last weeks before CWT he became a good player. His tactics are better now and he is a good opponent. Also nice and friendly person who plays for the fun not for the result.
- Antaresright

good player
- FaDright

The good partner and the interlocutor. the most honest player of the league!!!
- DarK'X'LorD

Very friendly and well behavior player! I have always good moments every time I play with him, independent of the result.
- Ivoadminright

Careful player Zolo-du can simply break your tactic xD
- WeeM4n

Nice player, not easy to win with him, becouse he is always concentrate and never give up.
- Jellenio

good player, but need little traning shotgun. sometimes he is do very intresting thing.
- KBA3u

Very interesting to play with, each game ends up very tough, and a nice friendly person btw =)
- kukumberadminright

good man)
- Podseka

Medals by turns:

Total used weapons, turns, damages in overall ranking:

Total turn time: 0 days, 00:00:00, average: 00:00 in total: 0 turns, average turns in a round: 0 (with no retration)
Total damage dealed: 0, in 0 turns, average: 0, maximal damage caused: 0 in one turn.
Total round time: 0 days, 00:00:00 in 2 rounds, average: 00:00:00
Sudden death factor: 0%

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