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Viks's profile

Viks's photo

Real name: Viktor Mihelcic


Location: Serbia


Local time: 1 08:27:16


Age: 42


Birth: 1982/11/28


Clan: aAa








Twitter/Facebook account:








Average time to wait his game confirmation: 0 day(s), 0:0:0


Last activity: [never]

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Number of games played in overall season: 0 (0%),
Number of games played in this season: 0 (0%)
Number of wins in this season: 0, number of loses: 0
Number of wins in overall season: 0, number of loses: 0
Maximum number of games he ever had in overall rankings: 453
Average round time: 00:00
Average turn time: 0 sec
% of caves played: N/A%
% of islands played: N/A%
% of cave rounds won: N/A%
% of island rounds won: N/A%
% of first turn in islands: N/A%
% of first turn in caves: N/A%
% of first turn in islands won: N/A%
% of first turn in caves won: N/A%

Overall accuracy in guess the damage challeges: -not participated in any-

Games per hours in overall ranking (current season is highlighted with yellow color):

games grid

Win/lose streak graphicon:

Viks's streak graphicon


CWT 2017 2nd

30th Intermediate tournament#2010-03-28
BMC Season 4






Nice improving! Go ahead.
- Kayzadminright

Proud of this guy ... he improved allot since i know him and he reached a good level and stable playing. Also nice and talkative mate! Gj!
- Antaresright

i know you from ages, we played a lot of intermediate togheter, but you increase a lot, and i begin bad :)
- Masterleagueright

Nice wormer, Fair Player, he fights until the end. Very nice games played with him.
- Felo

pro player and cool mate, it is always fun to play with him, even with my horrible "nice" luck
- KinslayeRleague

was good m8 since he said he likes hitler and nazis not anymore...
- FaDright

Very cool sportsman and skilled wormer, usually lose to him, but play interesting ;)
- BoolC

Very good player and good mate! Friendly too!
- Albus

A veteran wormer and buddy from the days of FTM. Back then he was QUITE good, but now he's VERY good.
- MrTPenguin

He is already a very strong wormer! If he continues his way and focus, he will give the small step which is separating him to be one of the top and regular PO players of the league.
- Ivoadminright

He is a good mate ;)
- Jellenio

Pro player and cool mate, it is always fun to play with him!
- Hwoarang CS

Medals by turns:

Total used weapons, turns, damages in overall ranking:

Total turn time: 0 days, 00:00:00, average: 00:00 in total: 0 turns, average turns in a round: 0 (with no retration)
Total damage dealed: 0, in 0 turns, average: 0, maximal damage caused: 0 in one turn.
Total round time: 0 days, 00:00:00 in 0 rounds, average: 00:00:00
Sudden death factor: -

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