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Koras's profile

Koras's photo

Real name: Mariusz


Location: Silesia,Poland


Local time: 1 09:38:28


Age: 39


Birth: 1985/10/28


Clan: NNN








Twitter/Facebook account:




Interests: basketball(NBA!),movies,spending time with friends.


Playtime: ..... I wish I knew:)


Average time to wait his game confirmation: 0 day(s), 0:0:0


Last activity: [never]

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Number of games played in overall season: 0 (0%),
Number of games played in this season: 0 (0%)
Number of wins in this season: 0, number of loses: 0
Number of wins in overall season: 0, number of loses: 0
Maximum number of games he ever had in overall rankings: 364
Average round time: 00:00
Average turn time: 0 sec
% of caves played: N/A%
% of islands played: N/A%
% of cave rounds won: N/A%
% of island rounds won: N/A%
% of first turn in islands: N/A%
% of first turn in caves: N/A%
% of first turn in islands won: N/A%
% of first turn in caves won: N/A%

Overall accuracy in guess the damage challeges: -not participated in any-

Games per hours in overall ranking (current season is highlighted with yellow color):

games grid

Win/lose streak graphicon:

Koras's streak graphicon


2009/02/28 2v2 Intermediate bronze (Kilobyte)
2v2 mini league nº2 gold
2v2 Cup nº1 Silver (Slavic Pride)
CWT 2009 3rd
CWT Site
CWT 2011 2nd
CWT Site
CWT 2013 2nd
CWT Site
1st Elemental tournament 2009-03-22
16th Intermediate tournament 2-12-2007
19th Intermediate tournament 30/03/08
37th Intermediate Tournament 2010-11-28 Gold
39th Intermediate tournament#2011-01-230
18th Intermediate tournament 03/02/08
20 th Intermediate tournament 27/03/08
24th Intermediate Tournament 2009/03/01
26th Intermediate Tournament 2009-06-28
27th NNN Tourney 1st
32nd NNN Tourney 1st
38th Intermediate Tournament 2010-12-26
40th Intermediate tournament 2010-02-27 Silver
22nd Intermediate Tournament 2008-11-30
46th NNN Tourney 2nd
31st Intermediate Tournament 2010-02-05
Season 8 3rd place
2011 3rd place
Season 2 3rd place
Season 7 3rd place
Season 4 1st place
Year-round competition'2009
Season 6 1st place
Overall ladder 2010
Season 1 2nd place
Season 3 2nd place
1st NNN Cup Bronze
Play-off season 3 winner
TUS Cup 2010 No.1
TUS Cup 2010 No. 2
BMC Season 2
Jet Pack lvl 2






One of the most active and skilled wormer. He is the guy who always win - still you cant be angry with him xD and he makes the opponents talking thats how he wins
- Kilobyteadminleagueright

Slowly but steadily he has been improving since he joined the clan. Nowadays he is clearly better than most players in this league and will just keep on getting better.
- Darioadminright

Skilled and methodical player. His slow steady pace often overcomes early leads and provides a real challenge till the last worm.
- Bytorright

To be honest i don't know what is his winning secret. My guess is - he plays a lot and he is stable. Plus he is a good thinker. His personal qualities are great too: he is positive and friendly guy.
- Khamski

damn good player..and very good friend
- zoky

Yes... Great player and big sports fan. Always pleasure to talk to you... ( And i saw that BEAT HAJDUK) :-P
- Taderight

Actually one of the best wormers. I've learned a lot playing with Him.
- Rafkaadminleagueright

He is the killer ><
- Mazerightretired

A very friendly and positive person! My very good friend I can talk about things with. Talanted wormer, one of those guys who keeps that "pro" spirit (including respect of an oppoent, sportsmanship, understanding of the game). Always ready to help, always care about fairplay and ready to fight for justice! Of couse he keeps the rules of fairplay himself!
- Johnmirright

No parece bueno pero tacticamente es el mejor. El a veces logra superar el potencial de dario aunque otras veces sea mas debil que funes. Uno de los mejores!! -------------------------------------------------------- There seems good but the best tactic is. The sometimes can overcome even the potential for dario sometimes be weaker than Funes. One of the best!
- Funes

Less active than he used to be. One of my old idols in worms, together with Dario and Johnmir. :D Furthermore a nice person.
- Kayzadminright

We had some arguments in the past... but he is definitely a friend for all NNN memebers and NNNL players. He has a bit of all things that are required to win a game. Hard fights versus him, we always met in tourneys. xD One of the best in this league since some year(s) and this won't change to soon.
- Antaresright

Security Plays makes him a very hard player to play against with
- Felo

v good player, and good drunker as we see )
- KinslayeRleague

strong taktik strong Precision low creativity... well what else with holy anyway he is my m8
- FaDright

One of the hardest players you'll meet, mad skill and experience. We've had plenty of tough matches that were decided by small mistakes, gotta be flawless against him.
- Mablak

Very friendly player, he helped me a lot. I can't remember by this time your personal combat skills, so, I'm not able to rate you... sorry...
- nano

His tactics and concentration are excellent! He has always a plan for the next couple of rounds and even if he is loosing a game with a big difference he can control opponent like no other to win easily at the end. The use that he give to HolyHandGrenade is evil!
- Ivoadminright

He takes worms with a lot of simplicity... and has wonderful results. Also, he's the laziest guy in wormnet. :P
- Domirightretired

Koras is currently one of the best players at Normal, very competitive and fair player.
- Achilles

Always friendly and kind. Each game with him makes me realise that there is a long way to go =)
- kukumberadminright

One of my best mates in the clan. Also one of the best Intermediate players ;)
- TerRoRright

Medals by turns:

Total used weapons, turns, damages in overall ranking:

Total turn time: 0 days, 00:00:00, average: 00:00 in total: 0 turns, average turns in a round: 0 (with no retration)
Total damage dealed: 0, in 0 turns, average: 0, maximal damage caused: 0 in one turn.
Total round time: 0 days, 00:00:00 in 0 rounds, average: 00:00:00
Sudden death factor: -

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