Real name: Pascal
Location: North Rhine-Westphalia
Local time: 1 09:08:26
Age: 35
Birth: 1989/7/11
Clan: NNN
Twitter/Facebook account:
Occupation: Student
Interests: Geodesy, Astronomy, Physics, Math, Politics, Partying, Hanging out, Travelling, Complex Music, Games, Drums, Piano :D too many really
Playtime: It depends
Average time to wait his game confirmation: 0 day(s), 0:0:0
Last activity: [never]
Number of games played in overall season: 0 (0%),
Number of games played in this season: 0 (0%)
Number of wins in this season: 0, number of loses: 0
Number of wins in overall season: 0, number of loses: 0
Maximum number of games he ever had in overall rankings: 411
Average round time: 00:00
Average turn time: 0 sec
% of caves played: N/A%
% of islands played: N/A%
% of cave rounds won: N/A%
% of island rounds won: N/A%
% of first turn in islands: N/A%
% of first turn in caves: N/A%
% of first turn in islands won: N/A%
% of first turn in caves won: N/A%
Overall accuracy in guess the damage challeges: -not participated in any-
Games per hours in overall ranking (current season is highlighted with yellow color):
Win/lose streak graphicon: