Our main goal is to show that Intermediate is a very complete and challenging way of playing worms that combines most of the skills developed in other schemes with many skills specific to it. We want Intermediate to increase in popularity and we want the skill level on Wormnet to improve. Of course, we want NNN clan to always be recognized as the best Normal clan.
- NNN members should be respectful, not only towards other NNN members, but towards all wormers. We are a clan and a community, and although you don't have to be everyone’s friend, you should always be respectful even to those you don’t like. What you do wearing the NNN tag represents the clan as the whole and not just you as an individual. We want to be known not just as the best normal clan, but as courteous players contributing to the Worms community.
- NNN members should always pursue self-improvement, because NNN is not just a chill-out clan. This is a clan meant for people that really want to improve and not see Worms just as entertainment, but also as competition.
- NNN members should be skilled wormers, especially at Intermediate, because this is the clan’s top priority and is what makes us different from other clans. However, normal players are often labeled as "only good at normal and total noobs at everything else," so we should at least try to become good at every way of playing this game, always keeping in mind that intermediate is the top priority.
- NNN members should be active, to keep the clan alive and thriving, to facilitate our self-improvement, and to promote Intermediate scheme in the Worms community. Our clan is flexible concerning inactivity issues in certain situations (such as school finals, computer problems, travel, etc.), but NNN members must strive to be active in general. Playing just the minimum amount of games is not enough.
- NNN members should communicate, because as an NNN member you are not just wearing a tag, you are part of a community that needs your participation. Giving your opinions and ideas in forum discussions helps the clan be better by fostering bonds between players and helping us get to know each other better.
- NNN members should be proud and have a strong commitment to the clan, because we are more collectively than we are individually. We should share same goals for the clan and do our best to help the clan reach them. You should want to be in NNN clan because you share the clan’s goals, not just because it is challenging to get in or to earn the respect of other wormers.