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The champion of the season is rayzz. Second place took Rafka and third place took chuvash. The champion of the overall season 2024 is chuvash. Second place took rayzz and third place took Rafka.Cgrats!
icon Welcome Francis-nguleague in our league! on [2025-Jan-22 18:04:02]
icon Kentleague 2 - 1 Francis-nguleague on [2025-Jan-22 18:04:01]
icon chuvashleague 2 - 0 Silaneoleague on [2025-Jan-22 17:35:52]
icon Silaneoleague 2 - 0 CzaRoleague on [2025-Jan-22 16:06:10]
icon Kentleague 2 - 1 oldsockleague on [2025-Jan-22 15:40:47]
icon Welcome, shivaleague on [2025-Jan-21 18:16:33]
icon Rafkaadminleagueright 2 - 0 CzaRoleague on [2025-Jan-21 17:53:59]
icon Silaneoleague 2 - 1 Pansurmanleague on [2025-Jan-21 17:05:03]
icon Rafkaadminleagueright 2 - 0 oldsockleague on [2025-Jan-21 09:11:58]
icon Pansurmanleague 2 - 0 Silaneoleague on [2025-Jan-20 19:16:24]
icon Silaneoleague 2 - 0 Pansurmanleague on [2025-Jan-19 14:24:37]
icon DeaxLordleague 2 - 0 CzaRoleague on [2025-Jan-18 20:50:05]
icon Kentleague 2 - 0 DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-18 19:24:19]
icon Rafkaadminleagueright commented CzaRoleague 2 - 1 DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-18 15:03:59]
icon CzaRoleague 2 - 1 DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-17 19:33:51]
icon CzaRoleague removed this medal: _nic.gif from DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-17 19:27:56]
icon Silaneoleague 2 - 0 CzaRoleague on [2025-Jan-17 18:01:39]
icon DeaxLordleague commented Pansurmanleague 2 - 1 DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-16 18:02:27]
icon Pansurmanleague 2 - 1 DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-16 18:01:23]
icon Pansurmanleague 2 - 0 Silaneoleague on [2025-Jan-16 17:12:20]
icon Kentleague 2 - 1 Egorleague on [2025-Jan-15 18:58:35]
icon Pansurmanleague 2 - 0 Silaneoleague on [2025-Jan-15 15:52:47]
icon Rafkaadminleagueright commented Rafkaadminleagueright 2 - 0 Silaneoleague on [2025-Jan-15 09:55:52]
icon Rafkaadminleagueright 2 - 0 Silaneoleague on [2025-Jan-15 09:50:35]
icon Silaneoleague 2 - 0 CzaRoleague on [2025-Jan-14 13:38:51]
icon rayzzleague commented Egorleague 1 - 2 rayzzleague on [2025-Jan-14 13:15:53]
icon Egorleague commented Egorleague 1 - 2 rayzzleague on [2025-Jan-14 12:22:34]
icon DeaxLordleague commented Rafkaadminleagueright 2 - 0 DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-14 12:01:25]
icon Rafkaadminleagueright 2 - 0 DeaxLordleague on [2025-Jan-14 12:00:04]
icon Rafkaadminleagueright commented Egorleague 1 - 2 rayzzleague on [2025-Jan-14 08:49:49]
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Seasonal Playoffs winner is rayzz (Afina). In the final rayzz won chuvash 4-3.Cgrats!

The winner of the season is chuvash. Second was IIVANII166666. Third was Silaneo.Seasonal Playoffs winner is Rafka. In the final Rafka won Silaneo 4-0.Overall Playoffs winner is chuvash. In the final chuvash won KinslayeR 4-0.Cgrats all!

The winner of the season is rayzz (Afina). Second is Rafka. Third is IIVANII166666. Grats!

Seasonal Playoffs winner is Silaneo. In the final Silaneo won Rafka 4-1. Cgrats!

The winner of the season is Rafka. Second is KinslayeR. Third is IIVANII166666. Grats!

CWT 2023 winner is Mablak. Second place - Rafka. Third place - KinslayeR.Cgrats! :)

The winner of the season is Rafka. Second was chuvash. Third was IIVANII166666.The winner of the overall season 2023 is chuvash.Second was Rafka.Third was IIVANII166666.

Seasonal Playoffs winner is Rafka. In the final Rafka won KinslayeR 4-1.Overall Playoffs winner is Eray. In the final Eray got tech. win against EPI.

The winner of League season is Rafka! Second was IIVANII166666.Third was chuvash.Time to start seasonal PO!Gl and hf to all.

Last posts:

Pictures!! by PavelB on 2025-Jan-2 15:57:35
Pictures!! by Rafka on 2025-Jan-2 15:40:44
Pictures!! by chuvash on 2025-Jan-2 11:05:19
Pictures!! by PavelB on 2025-Jan-2 10:02:09
Pictures!! by chuvash on 2025-Jan-2 06:56:41

Last topics:

Multiple schemas? by Kilobyte on 2024-Sep-2 21:28:13
CWT on NNN! by Kilobyte on 2024-Sep-1 16:03:35
Loser by Loser on 2024-Jun-29 12:50:11
Grub by Grub on 2024-Apr-11 17:54:00

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