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tadeusz's profile

tadeusz's photo

Real name: Miłosz


Location: donbas


Local time: 0 13:10:17


Age: 297


Birth: 1726/12/12










Twitter/Facebook account:








Average time to wait his game confirmation: 0 day(s), 0:0:0


Last activity: tadeusz 2 - 1 Perdunokleague  replay(1) on 2023-Nov-5 17:07:15 (167 days ago)

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Number of games played in overall season: 3 (0.24%),
Number of games played in this season: 0 (0%)
Number of wins in this season: 0, number of loses: 0
Number of wins in overall season: 1, number of loses: 2
Maximum number of games he ever had in overall rankings: 213
Average round time: 02:38
Average turn time: 25.83 sec
% of caves played: 50%
% of islands played: 50%
% of cave rounds won: 0%
% of island rounds won: 100%
% of first turn in islands: 50%
% of first turn in caves: 100%
% of first turn in islands won: 0%
% of first turn in caves won: 0%

Overall accuracy in guess the damage challeges: -not participated in any-

Games per hours in overall ranking (current season is highlighted with yellow color):

games grid

Win/lose streak graphicon:

tadeusz's streak graphicon








His ratings does not show the real potential of this player. He's around 8 points in general.
- Felo

Concentration is all!
- tita

Good player! Friendly guy!
- Albus

A good solid wormer
- MrTPenguin

Hey he may be at the bottom of the charts, but he doesn't give up. Even beat me in a round!
- lovEvilutionright

Tadeusz is becoming better and better player with every day. For me he is also cool bro and i love to play with him, cheers bro!
- Hwoarang CS

Cool guy and cool player :)
- PavelBright

Medals by turns:

Multi killKills 2 wormsWorms Armageddon replay
Friendly fireSelf killsWorms Armageddon replayWorms Armageddon replay
Attack without damageMissed shootWorms Armageddon replayWorms Armageddon replay
Tripple killKills 3 wormsWorms Armageddon replay

Total used weapons, turns, damages in overall ranking:

longbow = 00007 bungee = 00002 rope = 00016 select = 00009 cow = 00004 grenade = 00001 parachut = 00003 axe = 00003 shotgun = 00035 sheep = 00002 dynamite = 00003 jetpack = 00002 bazooka = 00002 baseball = 00001 gravity = 00002 petrolbm = 00001 teleport = 00002 girder = 00003 mine = 00001 firestrk = 00001 uzi = 00001 blwtorch = 00001 kamikaze = 00001 

Total turn time: 0 days, 00:23:40, average: 02:38 in total: 50 turns, average turns in a round: 25.83 (with no retration)
Total damage dealed: 2070, in 35 turns, average: 59.142857142857, maximal damage caused: 300 in one turn.
Total round time: 0 days, 01:18:29 in 3 rounds, average: 00:08:43
Sudden death factor: 33.33%

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